It's always a special time at any wedding when the music for the bride's entry starts and everyone rises and turns to see her walk down the aisle. The bride is always beautiful. In Revelation 21:2, John talks about how beautiful the new Jerusalem will be as he compares the holy city as being "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." All brides want to look their best on their wedding day. I know I did. And as I said before, Amber was surely a beautiful bride...and was adorned in an exquisite wedding gown for her husband.
The day before the wedding, David put a new status on his Facebook page. It was so sweet that it just about made me cry. Here's what it said: "A little nervous, mostly excited. Can't wait to see my bride walking down the aisle. Makes me think about the rapture, and how it's going to feel when the Bride is caught up to meet the Groom."
There are so many places in the Bible where Christians...as a group...are called the Bride of Christ. Kyla Rowland wrote a song in the late '70's that is titled "A Wedding Invitation". I'd like to share some of the lyrics with you here:
You're invited to a wedding, that will be held soon. We are the bride, Christ is the groom.
With a crown to wear, and a long white robe, We'll walk down the aisle made of pure gold.
What is your answer? How will you respond? The groom is asking the bride to come.
And the supper will be in heaven, our new home above
Here's a wedding invitation, He's sending with love.
God has proposed. Is He still waiting to hear from you? Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." How will you answer Him? If you are not part of the Bride of Christ right now, it's still not too late to accept His proposal. He may be knocking on your heart's door right now. If so, to say yes and accept Him as your Saviour will be the absolute best thing you've ever done! Then you can live eternally grateful for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord!
May God bless you!