Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Handfuls of Purpose

Do you ever see and recognize the "handfuls of purpose" that the Lord gives to you? By that I mean the extra, undeserved and unexpected things.....sometimes big, sometimes small.....that God does for you in the everyday. Sometimes they just seem to "happen" along. Sometimes He used family or friends as a "delivery person"!

Just such a thing happened to me last week. When I walked in the door of the pregnancy center where I work once a week, my co-workers all started saying, "Come and look what you have!" I couldn't imagine what they were talking about until I saw the beautiful arrangement of flowers sitting on the counter. There was no special occasion that I could think of so was bewildered who could have sent them. Then I read the card. It was from a friend that I had carried to the doctor a few days before that. She had written on the card..."Thanks so much for ALL you do for me!" But the thing is....I don't feel like I do anything much for her! Certainly nothing spectacular enough to warrant such beautiful flowers! (I'm glad that she thinks so though.)

And although the gift came from a friend....and I called to tell her to say thank you as soon as I got home!.....I almost immediately thought of the book of Ruth and how Boaz told his men who were in charge of his fields to "let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them". (Ruth 2: 16) Isn't that just like God! He gives us "handfuls of purpose" all the time if we just look for them. I didn't deserve the flowers. I didn't pay for the flowers. I just got to enjoy them because my friend took the time to go out of her way to do something special for me. And in doing that, she reminded me that actually, all things come from God.

Look for your "Handfuls of Purpose" today......I know you will see some! And maybe you'd like to comment and share with the rest of us what it was!

God bless you!



Yolanda said...


And just like Boaz's workers to leave grain for the you having the flowers at the office, look at how many enjoyed them with YOU.



Anonymous said...

What pretty flowers! We have had several "handfuls of purpose'"as well this week.
The Lord is truly worthy to be praised! But also, in the not so good times.

Hope you are having a great week!
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful and well deserved by you. You are a very special person and I'm so blessed to be related to you.

We have been shown "Handfuls of Purpose" many times by our neighbors in our Village. That is the beauty of this place - you can help your neighbors and it's a pretty close network, especially in your own neighborhood.

We had an ice storm last night, but the sun is shining today and it is melting. We'll go to the Center and exercise in a little while. Take care and have a beautiful week.

Love and blessings,


Kay Martin said...

Reading your blog and your comments on my blog I can see your dear tender loving heart. I imagine your natural way of living blesses so many along your way that you are totally unaware of.

The flowers are beautiful and I think it is fabulous that she sent them to the center. Not only did they bless your life but everyone in the center. Most especially those women suffering from their crisis pregnancy were blessed by the beauty of the blossoms.

God takes one kindness and multiplies it!!! I love it!!!

Joyful said...

So glad you were the recipient of "handfuls of purpose". I would say most deserving.

Praying the Lord will show me who I can bless with handfuls of purpose for Him,

Anonymous said...
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Cathryn said...

Hi Marilyn, I feel it has been so very long since I've been checking on the blogs I like to follow. I hope you are doing well. Yet another great post and application. Blessings ~ Cathryn

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

God continues to leave his handfuls of love at every turn in my life. I'm so undeserving; still and yet, he calls me otherwise.

We are his prize...his children...his bride. So good to know the blessings of a caring Father.

Have a great week, Marilyn. You are well loved, friend.
