Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When I Remember..... I Stand Amazed

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:3-4

This picture of a "tent city" in India always makes me sad when I look at it. Sad for the people who have to live here daily in the direst of circumstances: eating food from someone else's garbage, having no access to dental or health care, no running water, no electricity, no toilets....nothing really between them and the soaking rain or the scorching sun but a thin blue tarp made into a tent. But it also makes me sad because it reminds me that unless I'm looking at such extreme poverty, I'm not usually as thankful as I should be for what I do have! I'm very rich compared to these people! And yet I complain so many times! That's just sad!

Sometimes then I read about rich people who have so much to start with and then people just seem to give them more and more. This is in stark contrast to so many across the world who have little and even that seems to be dwindling away. I thought about that the other day when I was reading a chapter in Proverbs and came across this verse: "The poor is hated even of his own neighbor: but the rich hath many friends." (Prov.14:20) Have you ever noticed how people want to always either give the rich (who don't need it) a discount or else give them gifts? So sometimes when I see this playing out in real life, it bothers me. Is it because I'm jealous? Or is it disgust? Perhaps a little of both.

And then I remember that I have more than I need just where I am! God has blessed me so very much in so many ways. It may not seem so to some people but to me it does! I think of the thousands of people within an hour or two's drive from my home who have lost their homes and even families to tornadoes or floods in the past few weeks. When I remember all the wonderful things God has given me, then I stand amazed! Amazed that He loved me. Amazed that He gave me eternal life when He owes me nothing! And that reminds me of one of my favorite songs written by Squire Parsons, Jr. called "I Stand Amazed". Something we all should do when we think of what Christ has done for us!I hope that you too will remember....and stand amazed!

I Stand Amazed
Words and Music by Squire Parsons, Jr.

    When I examine that old rugged cross the mighty gulf did span;
    It reaches down to the brinks of hell, to heaven's golden stand.

    I stand amazed, I stand amazed;
    Of the love that has sought me, saved me and bought me,
    I stand amazed.

    When I imagine in glory that day, when all of heav'n stood still
    As God, incarnate, the Savior of man, died upon Calv'ry's hill.

    I stand amazed, I stand amazed;
    Of the love that has sought me, saved me and bought me,
    I stand amazed.


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

We are beyond blessed! Our lives are filled with the generosity from our Father's heart. Like you, if I don't take the time to notice, then I'm often quick to find my complaint.

I think that God is calling me to live in a posture of attentiveness regarding his goodness. Just the fact that I'm able to log on here to read your beautiful heart is a witness to that goodness!

Thanks for being my friend.


Yolanda said...

I, too, stand amazed. So thankful, so incredibly thankful.

With love,

Leah Adams said...

Far too often I forget how blessed I so many ways. god has been so ridiculously good to me and I don't want to take it for granted.

blessings to you my friend.