Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hard Headed

I enjoyed being able to have breakfast and my Bible study out on the deck this morning. It was so nice and cool thanks to a shower of rain we got during the night. As I sat there eating my Cheerios (trying to get that cholesterol down you know!), drinking my hot green tea, and doing a Bible study on how God's grace will help us to be able to take up our cross daily and follow Him, I was treated to a drum duo by a couple of red-headed-woodpeckers. One would beat out his tune on the light pole....the other would answer him from the edge of the woods. It brought to mind the saying I have heard so many times growing up...."You're as hard-headed as a Peckerwood!" I started thinking about how true it is in my own life....and maybe it is in yours, too. I get set in my own way about things. I think I know what to do and how to do it. And sometimes God comes along and changes my plans. I don't always take to changed plans gracefully....even if the instructions come from God Himself! That's not how it should be. We should never let our heads.....nor our hearts....get so hard that we can not follow the gentle nudge of God.

I'm working at the pregnancy center today. If you would, please say a prayer for the clients that we see there. A lot of these young ladies have hardened their hearts to the things of God. My goal and aim is to help to soften their hearts so that they will be able to hear, understand, and do the will of God in their young lives.

I don't want to be a "Hard-headed Peckerwood" when it comes to things of the Lord. How about you?

"Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews 3: 12-13

May God bless you today.......



De'on Miller said...

There are so many hardened hearts in this world. Sometimes it takes a broken one to begin to be okay.

Don't worry if you think you're not reaching them there, Marilyn. You're planting a seed that someone else may water and another, harvest.

Sadly, they may have to go through the process of an abortion before they even realize someday the guilt that only Jesus can cleanse them of.

You drive on with your precious work. I know our labor wears us out sometimes. That is when we have to leave it in the Lord's hands. Only He can make the crooked places straight and He does have a plan for the hearts He's claimed.

Much love and God bless!

And good news on the precious tiny one! Thank you, Lord!

Leah Adams said...

Boy have I ever been hard headed more times than I would like to count in my almost 44 years!! Hopefully I am learning a little bit about submission and trust!!


Joyful said...

Your post reminded me of my teen years - there were times I could be quite stubborn and hard headed. I remember a line from a Billy Joel song that said, "And she never gives in, she just changes her mind". Friends used to joke about that as describing me! Not very becoming! Thankfully maturity and God...mostly God, has changed that!

Praying the Lord will continue to soften and cleanse my heart.

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

Thank you so much for praying for my family! I so appreciate your words of encouragement and know that God's hand leads even as we blog!!!
By the way, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I will definitely be thinking of you and your clients as you pour your heart into the pregnancy center!