Monday, April 9, 2012

James 5...What Prayer Can Do

James chapter 5. The last chapter in this book. He talks about our spiritual lives. Our emotions, our habits, our prayer life. Mostly about prayer though I think.

James 5:1-6 Warnings to those who have gotten rich by fraudulent means.

James 5:7-8 Be patient. God's coming is nearer than we think!

James 5:10-11 Affliction can sometimes be a blessing. God has a very tender heart toward His own.

James 5:12 No need to swear-- let your yes be yes and your no be no.

James 5:13-14 Having problems? PRAY! Happy? SING! Sick? Call elders of church to PRAY and anoint with oil in Jesus' name!

James 5:15 Many have been healed through prayer.

James 5:16 Confession + prayer = healing.

James 5:17-18 Elias was simply human, yet he prayed for rain to stop and it didn't rain for three years! Then he prayed for rain to return and it began to rain. We limit our prayers by our unbelief!

James 5:19-20 We do our brothers/sisters in Christ a disservice if we do not warn them when we see them falling away from God's fellowship.

"Lord, help me to read and heed these words in the book of James so that I can be a better, more obedient, child of Yours. Amen."


1 comment:

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I am currently leading Jim Cymbala's study called "When God's People Pray" with a small group of women on Monday mornings. We had a good time of learning today, followed by a time of prayer. I don't think the church at large does enough collective praying together. It's a hard teaching to teach/practice, but I believe it is so vital.

Prayer moves the heart of God. I know this is true. Keep to it, friend.
